Pastor John LegasPastor John Legas and his family have been attending Cornerstone Community Baptist Church since 1995 but it wasn't until May of 2005 that Pastor John fulfilled God’s call and entered into full-time ministry at the church.
John was born and, for the most part raised, in Seattle. He graduated from Multnomah Bible College in Portland and then interned as a youth worker. He traveled for a short time with a full-time Christian drama team. He has been involved with many different community theatres ever since. John then spent over twenty years in secular business jobs. In May of 2005 John was invited to Pastor Cornerstone. John met his wife Nan during those early ministry intern years. They were married in 1983 and they have two adult sons. The men of the family have spent much time together on the community theatre stage. They have enjoyed “hamming” it up together. They also enjoy camping together – but don’t get enough of it! John views his role as Shepherd as both exciting and humbling. With the gift of exhortation, John hopes to encourage all at Cornerstone to discover their gifts and serve God with a joyful and expecting heart. His desire is that all of us fall in love with our Savior Jesus Christ, and choose to serve Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. |